
YouTube Thumbnail Grabber

YouTube Thumbnail Grabber Online

YouTube Thumbnail Grabber tool helps to grab thumbnail images of YouTube videos in different resolutions. Thumbnail is a representative image of the video which shows the user about a youtube video.

What can you do with YouTube Thumbnail Grabber Tool?

  • It helps to easily grab a YouTube thumbnail by entering the valid youtube video URL. If URL is not valid then you will see the error.
  • Users can also copy the link of the thumbnail and also can download the thumbnail in different resolutions.
  • Youtube automatically generates thumbnail images in different resolutions.
    • Maximum Resolution: 1280x720 Pixels - Best Quality Thumbnail
    • Standard Definition: 640x480 Pixels
    • High Quality: 480x360 Pixels
    • Medium Quality: 320x180 Pixels
    • List Thumbnails: 480x360 Pixels
    • Mini Thumbnails: 120x90 Pixels - Auto generated scenes within video
  • Online YouTube Thumbnail Grabber tool works well on Windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.